
November 2018 Editors' Picks

One on Epsilon Team

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At One on Epsilon we thrive on great YouTube mathematics videos. Viewers from across the globe watch mathematics content for nearly 5 Million hours per month. That is a lot of mathematics, and we have only counted videos in English. Clearly there is more.

It shouldn't surprise you that our team spends dozens of hours a week watching YouTube mathematics and improving the Epsilon Stream experience. We are teachers, mathematicians, and parents. Our goal is to make Epsilon Stream your first stop mathematics reference tool.

The free Epsilon Stream platform presents the best content from the web in a unified and clear experience.

As we do every month, our Editors' Picks presents you with a few selected high quality videos across a range of topics and channels. Let's get started!

A mathematician explains the best way to cut a bagel by Eugenia Cheng on Tech Insider: Have you ever wondered how mathematics can help you cut a delicious bagel in a ‘mess free’ way? The knowledge of the Möbius strip can help you solve that. The Möbius strip is a surface with only one side and only one boundary. Follow Eugenia Cheng‘s cutting techniques to learn how to cut your breakfast bagel to reveal this interesting shape and its properties.

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The Information Age: Network Coding by Art of The Problem: The human brain and its problem-solving and critical thinking mindset never fails to create something amazing. This video, produced by Art of The Problem in co-operation with the IEEE Information Theory Society, vividly explains how people solve the internet conjunction problem. So the next time when you experience a slow internet connection, remember this video.

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Is it Better to Walk or Run in the Rain? by Minute Physics: It’s raining and you forgot your umbrella. The question is this: is it better that you calmly walk under the rain? Or are you better off running as fast as you can until you find somewhere to hide? The question might seem obvious, or perhaps not? Watch this video and find out! Although it is about physics, it also deals with volume. In fact, this video relates mathematical content to the physical world, making it more relevant to real life.

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Let us know which of these videos you liked the most. We'd love to hear from you. You can also follow @OneOnEpsilon on Twitter for daily math video shout outs and continue to support the incredible mathematics content creators on YouTube.

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